River Island reference check

River Island has selected RefNow as their official employment reference provider.

Complete the form below to request a reference for a past/current employee of River Island

Request a Reference from River Island (river-island.com)

Details about you
Details about the employee
In the UK this is a National Insurance Number. For the USA please use SSN (Social Security Number) or Tax ID. Read more
How urgent is this reference?

What's high priority?
Employee Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY)
By requesting a reference you agree to our Terms of use. Read our Privacy Policy
🔒 The information on this page is encrypted and not an endorsement of RefNow's services by River Island and is purely informational.

River Island Employment Verification
Trusted by 12,000+ companies

Online Referencing is smarter with RefNow


Completing a reference with RefNow takes just a few minutes on average


Complete at a time convenient for you, even outside of 9-5 business hours


Military grade SSL encryption technology keeps your data secure

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